



  • 户外表
  • 纸巾
  • 红玫瑰花瓣
  • 中等大小的碗里
  • 漏勺
  • 玫瑰水
  • 清洁喷雾瓶(食品级塑料)
  • 白色的白沙糖


  1. 准备工作区域。在炎热、干燥的天,帮助你的孩子找一个户外的地方在阳光下工作。移动桌子那里。他应该用纸巾覆盖表,重叠的轻微没有表显示通过。轮流大声朗读原配方,如果你敢。
  2. “把fayrest玫瑰叶子……”Fill the bowl with cold water. Pull the petals away and let them drop in the water. Swish the water and rose petals gently, then let them soak.
  3. “…用玫瑰水,撒……”Have your child add a tablespoon of Rose Water to the spray bottle and set the spray to fine. Don't spray yet!
  4. “…把它们一个一个白皮书在炎热的sunshiney天……”Lay the petals in a single layer on the paper towels. Now, spray the petals with the mister.
  5. “…然后击败一些双精炼糖很小&筛选它薄玫瑰……”Find caster sugar at a candy-making supply store or grind white sugar in a mortar and pestle until very fine, as Colonial housewives did. Show your child how to sprinkle a thin layer of sugar over the petals, a pinch at a time.
  6. “…他们将糖果ly在炎热的太阳……”Stay close. The time needed to dry completely will vary depending on the weather.
  7. “…然后把叶子和散播一些玫瑰水另一方面,&筛选一些糖一样……”Turn the petals, spray, sprinkle. Patience! Let the solution dry.
  8. “…turne经常有时散播在水面上,有时筛选对糖直到他们不够……”Repeat three or four times on each side. Taste-test the rose petals. The thin layers of crystallized sugar should make them slightly crunchy. If rose petals are soggy, floppy or chewy, let them dry completely. Then add a few more layers, with more drying time between.
  9. 9。“…然后把它们装在盒子里干净的中间文件&国企保持所有。”Did you notice the spelling? During the Colonial period, everyone spelled words just as they pleased. That made reading a lot harder! Today, everyone spells the same word the same way -- that makes it a lot easier to follow a recipe (or a "receipt" as a colonist might have spelled it.)







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