


然而,这种方法并不总是工作米里亚姆Cherkes-Julkowski博士说》的作者找到Vawol,找到霜,学会阅读。“我们常常认为唯一的有效方法是letter-by-letter发音,”她说,但是这种策略停止快速真实的文本。假设,例如,一个孩子看到一个词从“b”后跟一个“o”。It's easy enough for a child to figure out the sound that the "b" makes. But what about the "o"? Truth is, it all depends on what rime it's in. The "o" in box sounds entirely different from the "o" in bought, or in book. But when children have learned to hear those different sound patterns in rhymes like "fox in a box," or "I thought I bought," they can start to make sense of it all.


  • 驾驶你的车去商店吗?玩,看看你的孩子多少个单词可以集思广益,押韵与“汽车”。Make it a game. For example, take turns coming up with a word, and see who gets stumped first. Or challenge him to come up with a specific number within a certain period of time, for example, "Let's see if you can think of five words that rhyme with 'car' before I get to that traffic light!" When you're done, look around for more choices like "road," "go," or "stop."
  • 散步吗?鼓励你的孩子分享喜欢的歌曲,跟着唱,不要犹豫!更有趣,让你自己的歌曲。熟悉的曲调,玛丽有只小羊羔用新单词。例如,唱歌之类的,”杰森有一条小狗,小狗,小狗,杰森有一条小狗,他总是喜欢吃。”Then continue, but when you get to the end, point to your child and ask her to fill in the blank. For example, "And every where that Jason went, Jason went, Jason went, and everywhere that Jason went he had to bring some..." Be sure to clap when your child shouts "meat!" or "treats!" And keep in mind that she'll get more precise as she practices.
  • 去图书馆的时候,尽量挑选至少一本书与押韵,并鼓励你的孩子和你大声说。他越来越熟悉一个标题,启动押韵,但暂停当你到达第二个押韵的词,,让他填写空白。随着一年的进展,继续指出,这些话的部分,使那些押韵的声音。
